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osckilo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Tharek Ali Mokbul



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Another dirty mp3 sent ’round the world. Kind of like a musical chain letter :) A song I wrote about out of body experiences. It showed up finished in my email one day - No kidding!!!

Another song entirely created by the Boss Micro BR.

Aside from the E-Drums, no synthesizers or loopers were harmed during the making of this song! All analog otherwise.

The lineup:

Jim (oldrottenhead on alonetone): vox
Geir (Geir on alonetone): ripping solo at 1:57
John: Echo/Delay Tele
Me: Bass
Me: Chug Guitar
Me: Wank Guitar
Me: Drone Guitar
Me: Annoying Guitar
Me: E-Drum Patterns (Wish I had a kit!!)

My very first collaboration - With spectacular musicians. I felt honored!!

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Super cool, Launched!

Guest said

Wow! I forgot about this one. Has a classic White Zombie / Filter vibe to it. Great solos and great vox too.

oldrottenhead's avatar
oldrottenhead said

wow this takes me back mark i think our first collab together. nearly a logo song just missing osckilo. it doesn't even sound like me singing lol.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Nice bass, nice guitars good vocal whats not to like, good collab

Geir's avatar
Geir said

I remember this as one of my first collabs too. I was honored to be part of such a great team of musicians !!

Guest said

tight bass in the those wake the f up guitars...awesome tune dude!

Guest said

I like that. Very floaty, but at the same time lots of interesting movement going on.

Jack Denlinger's avatar
Jack Denlinger said

this is very nice. not boring at all. holds my interest. with or without vocals. thank you.

Guest said

This is deep, dark and very cool (like a lagoon)! Excellent performances all round!

Guest said

nice description...that's pretty funny. Good job.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Nice tracks you do with that Boss machine. I like the annoying guitar. :)

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

..'love the vox quality -both performance and productn

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

...Thanks so much for listening and commenting, man; I soundly enjoy so many of ye things here! This is a downright righteous riff-rhythm. : )

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Damn- That is some FINE work!!

Guest said

:} Great Production.

Guest said

Awesome tune wild.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

I love It Mark! One of my fav's!
