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osckilo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Tharek Ali Mokbul


A100 (RPM)

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Welp… I didn’t do a feckin’ thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin’. So I figured I’d beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it.

A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :)

One take in the MBR hole… I’ll fix it later!


I paint a picture
Like you’ve never seen
I get high
Eatin’ pork and beans

I play hooky
Start hittin’ the bars
An A100
For my avatar

Long road riding to Boston
And I’m having some fun
My van’s rockin’ side to side
’Cause my girl weighs a ton!

Double cheeseburger
With some extra fries
Thick shake
And and apple pie

My baby,
She’s as mad as a bee
I won’t stop,
Cuz I’m runnin’ free

Long road riding to Boston
And I’m having some fun
My van’s rockin’ side to side
’Cause my girl weighs a ton!

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Yeahhh baby, thats the stuff.

Guest said

this one makes me want to drive a love bus through a cloud. Hey man, we should write a hippie track together one day.

Guest said

Rock and roll!!!

Guest said

It's goo-oo-ood. Like the lyrics a lot too.

Guest said

this song has a lot of merit. it's very, very hippie sounding. I love it man. don't doubt yourself. ...and singing about that infamous Avatar.

Guest said

Careful. Aliens' blood is very toxic.

Guest said

Ha, feel better now? Nice, energetic sound here.

Guest said

it was super! I think I tend to over write when I do lyrics. but I love what you've done here.

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

This Rocks!!! Love the melody...very Beach Boy-esque.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

I want an electric version!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great stuff!

Guest said

Hahaha, I feel all romanced!!!!!!!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

HAHA! Great fun!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

:D cracked me up man. Good fun.

Guest said

Sweet ass rhythm dude! Lyrics are awesome too!
