Nick P's listening history

tilden's avatar
Just finished running sound for the Second Act Players’ production of "Finding Gladys" and enjoyed putting together original music to use for a theme, a soap opera, and scene changes. The song 'Getting To Know You' from the musical "The King And…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was sat below the cliff having a sneaky smoke and he couldn't believe what he was witnessing ......I recorded the acoustic with the mic then added bass then a bit of piano and string then the tele then I decided what the subject would be and…
H R Music's avatar
Dug this one out of the crypt. Been so long ago I can't remember the motivation for writing it. Probably one of my many broken heart episodes.
vaisvil's avatar
all of this came from Live.
Breaking Light's avatar
trawnajim's avatar
Sometimes, just a bunch of rubbish from a soundcheck can be used to create something interesting. In this case, setting up to record tenor sax (with a tin-foil pie plate covering the bell), some microphone taps, and a bit of vocalising, most with…
Johnny Stone's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
Equator 2 x2, Roli Rise 49
Greg Connor's avatar
First song of the *RPM Challenge 2013*
JR James's avatar
Found this old track while backing up my hard drive. It is an alternate tracked played at a slower tempo. I added a quick drum track and ruff remix this morning.