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by vaisvil



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Roland SE-02 through EHX Stereo Memory Man -> Zoom RFX-300. Title comes from a combination of the time length, and the fact that it was created for the current Sound-In for 1-7/1/2021.

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

the heavy flanging is a treat! I'll diverge from Bill and say its bigger birds at 14:00. this is cool!

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Excellent greatness.. It is a song that brings me back to the effects in phase and out of phase blips and bliggies .. It's the squibbly bliggies that started to loose the phases that were happening when I knew a Roland was grooving... This reminds me of how I make sounds as well. Minute 10:35 it's like birds. At about 13 minutes in the aliens seem to check in..and then leave but returned at 14 minutes in.. Chipmunks at 17 minutes in are neat maybe more of that?? It's phasing in & out as it does all the way to the end.
