vaisvil's listening history

skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
for ImprovFriday Japan benefit event, 3/17-19, 2011 (and as I post here tonight, fitting the moon's ascent).
richardlaceves's avatar
5th of the 11 parts,, just a small string interlude a small wave, between the larger seas
richardlaceves's avatar
and so the story moves on
richardlaceves's avatar
a bit smaller in length, a bit more up lifting, at least it makes me feel like lifting my arms up into the air when i listen... WN is a dialogue between two sides, so i suppose this is the section where the angles get their say,,,, dedicated to…
richardlaceves's avatar
part 6 of 11 finally,, i return to my home,,, it's been good listening, but i can now once again upload my rpm 2011 album
vaisvil's avatar
Gary Thompson from the Music by Computer yahoo list (aka Johnny Pumphandle) remixed me version 2 of Sweeny's Agony - and blew me away - by toning down the volume he brought out a lot more soul in my opinion. I love it - and I hope you do too. Chris
thetworegs's avatar
Well, who do think came down the cellar last night... Yep! you guested it, Charlie Sheen, he was none too happy. He should have been if the girls with him were anything to go by. He'd come to talk to Elvis about handling the Yes men and how he…
brando's avatar
6 hour mini album 11/14/10
odh's avatar
More Original song than cover, I think. A re-imagining of the AC/DC story. My Rosie is a bolemia sufferer and is in a coma in hospital. The story is told by the concerned partner... --- Whole Lotta Rosie Never met a woman Never…
twirretwarre's avatar
This is an improvisation with my Korg I3. And also I use the recorder, as you can see in the video.