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thetworegs's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by thetworegs


The Rain Began

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The music you hear I created myself and played by myself, apart from the drums. I called this song “The Rain Began” it’s basically about a couple where the bloke cheated, so she told him where to go, but he kept coming back ( full of regret ) as they deep down still love each other. Aaaahhhhhh, but the bloke broke her heart and now she will never take him back, yep, that’s what happens ;- ) she prefers to stay on her own then have her heart broken again….. sad really, but don’t get too upset, it’s only a song ! LOL…

MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you guests !

Guest said

cool !

Guest said

I am really enjoying your music.
