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Curfew Song Pt 5 (Growing)

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A quite ‘straight ahead’ rock feel to this at the beginning. The Rickenfaker bass has a lovely fat sound to it… Then it gets anthem-like from 2:45 onwards

Shed Sounds's avatar
Shed Sounds said

Thanks @Andrew - That was exactly the creative process!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Mighty fine - has a definite "conclusion"/"closure" vibe to it. I kinda like how the final one has a title of "Growing" implying the story goes on (which the music does as well)

Shed Sounds's avatar
Shed Sounds said

Thanks @Sister - can't wait to put some vocals on the end section of this!

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Awesome full sound! (Looking forward to some of these with your fab vox!)
