Comments on 520's stuff

520's avatar
I called it this because that was the first thing that came into my mind when I played it back after writing it.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Bits of this (starting like 1:30-ish) reminds me of some 8-bit chiptune stuff, style-wise. (Ever listened to Anamanaguchi?) Might be fun to try bitcrushing some of your parts to see if you dig that sound. But then again, I tend to favor grit over clean sounds when given the choice. The dissonant pad near the end (4:00-ish) seems to distract me a bit, mostly since the rest of the tune wasn't really dissonant. Feels like less dissonance there would be better, or more added elsewhere in the tune. ;)

520's avatar
This was one of my more popular pieces that I had up from SoundCloud (and no I'm not the kind that draws thousands, not that i mind).
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Great energy! I had difficulty not bouncing around with this. :)
