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It Was You

Toys of God

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I hate when I write the ending first…This is the 4th “bit” written in “The Room Over The Garage” or simply, “The Room” 2 minutes of pretty much the same progression…but it will coax out the rest of the tune. We write in “bits” or “pieces” and once we have a bunch, we mix and match and see what happens. This bit was written/recorded in early August 2015, has not been mixed or properly arranged…just an idea to share…Currently working on words…and more bits and pieces…Cheers!

Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

Yes !...this progression all morning with coffee...! I want my alarm to be this !

Guest said

So BFL! Love it.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Works for me :)

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