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Johnny Stone's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Johnny Stone


Robot Epiphany

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I’m not sure if I’m happy with how the mastering came out but I figured it’s time to let this one fly and get some feedback on it. I recorded the ‘robot’ voice using Audio Hijack Pro to record my Apple’s system voice and then added some effects to it. The track is pretty simple compositionally but I hope people will enjoy it!

da gubbamint's avatar
da gubbamint said

dats tight dogg. jarufus

Guest said


another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said


Guest said

I wonder what a RobotEpiphany/CircuitBentFun hybrid would sound like. You consider marrying the two.

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

i wish i could compose stuff like this.

launched's avatar
launched said

Oh, yeah this is frickin' great! Solid tune!

Guest said

Cool sh*t!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate enjoyed that.

Guest said

Really cool! Well done!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great stuff Adam. Nice to see a new one from you!

Guest said

This is FNG Adam!

Arnaud Savioz's avatar
Arnaud Savioz said

If you're gonna use speech synth in future songs (you should! nice processing), there's a simpler way to export the voice to sound files : you can use the command say from the terminal. say -v "Alex" -o ~/Desktop/speech.aiff "Hello" The file will be saved to the desktop.

Guest said

Well, I enjoyed! Your Apple's voice is perfect for this! Feedback? Nothing useful from me...maybe a little longer? It definitely works when played really LOUD.
