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No Way, No Say

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I woke up this morning with an idea for a strummy riff in my head. I telecommuted to work today and in the couple of hours before I had to punch in to work I wrote all the sections and recorded the rhythm guitars to a guide drum track. During my lunch break I wrote the lyrics and the melody and recorded the vocals. After work I added the bass and drums midi tracks and mixed the whole sucker. Now I’m uploading it here before I go back to bed. Not bad for one day… even if the song is pretty weak.

The guitar is a Les Paul through two Fender Bassbreakers and the pedals continue my absolute love affair with the Klon KTR. There’s an MXR Uni-Vibe, a Mooer e-Lady, and a Fulltone Clyde Deluxe Wah in there too.

So it’s the end
Take a look around
What can you recommend to me

One after another the pieces start to fall
You might have to dream up the meaning of it all

You can’t pretend
That there’s a better way
That you can have a say on it

no time like tomorrow
nowhere else to go
