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I grew up (Vocal)... a seed


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The start of a song about my first dog, Jack, who was a rescue. When he came to us he’d had many owners, some likely good, some most definitely very bad. He’d been at death’s door as a starving dog, almost freezing to death in a harsh winter, with his mother, likely lost hunter’s dogs, before being adopted into a family… a family, that you could just tell from his reactions what the family dynamic was. He loved kids, he was scared of basically everything else. We had him for 9 years before helping him to pass over the Rainbow Bridge. He was likely around 16 years old when he passed, and was such a good boy. It took years of perseverance to get him over his issues of trust, but when he did, he became master of the house.

Lyrics and Music by Rich Blenkinsopp

myshare's avatar
myshare said

lovely melody.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

mind blowing …..

richiebee's avatar
richiebee said

@preset1 - it is the same kind of thing, yes. Neural networks have allowed them to take on the personality of real singers. The tech is mind blowing, and very easy to use too.

preset1's avatar
preset1 said

is that a vocaloid? if it is, holy shit.

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