musicology's listening history

musicology's avatar
...still in progress...
musicology's avatar
Based on a twelve-tone-scale, but with tonal relations. in between a reminiscence of latin music...
The Stebiv's Weary Ground's avatar
It's a part of the song I'm working on, maybe the rest of it lands in the garbage can where it belongs to. The vocal part's intention was to be a capella, but the piano impro is suitable... somehow.
empty029's avatar
a track by mt029
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was getting a little sentimental so he wrote this song for his eldest Daughter who has flew the nest for quite a time now.....
epimeison's avatar
Ok... while i'm recording 'the big one', all straight from part I to part IX with my nylon guitar, I couldn't resist to do this little one. I hope you like and or enjoy.
musicology's avatar
Based on a twelve-tone-scale, but with tonal relations. in between a reminiscence of latin music...
Norm's avatar
Here's to Johnny! Gifted composer. Talented musician. Supportive friend. 127 songs of posted AT rockin' goodness, posted from 2008-2011: the Stone Age! Thanks for all of the tasty tunes Johnny. 5/4 120bpm.
Gumbo's avatar
Sassy Nation version! Sister Savage and Mr Sandbags collaborated on the original of this wonderful heartbreaker of a song. I've been playing it on the guitar the last few days and it always seemed to come out with a grittier tone, so i asked…
Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…