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KCsGroove's favorite tracks

by KCsGroove


Cruisin' Along

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Older song recorded to sound as it was coming from an old AM radio. Don’t know that I quite accomplished that, but…

alhughson's avatar
alhughson said

Good to see you man like this a lot vcool

artneuro's avatar
artneuro said

Double thumbs up from me! Good to see you here.

KCsGroove's avatar
KCsGroove said

Sounds familiar, Big Jim :-) cool song! enjoyed this, felt like I sat with my old transistor on the beach :-) KC

jmb99000's avatar
jmb99000 said

Older recording that I wanted to sound like it was coming from an AM radio. Don't know if I accomplished it, but I hope it is not too hard on the ears. Thanks for listening.
