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The story our song that night (Songwriter night, Tuesday, at The Post, where we would divide up into groups and have a new song ready to perform in one hour) was about railroads and a girl from San Antone. When I got home I had the Tejas/Chaos rhyme and when I rhymed “confetti” with Texas City, I had the local. Once I “saw” her on that shrimp boat it wrote itself.

(C) I knew a girl. Her name was Tejas
Shrimping south of Texas (G) City
In her eyes I saw chaos
In her laugh I heard con (C) fetti

In her purse I found the lip gloss
She bought in New York City
When she jumped I felt such deep loss
It bordered on self-pity

(F) Waves are a waving
(Em) Fish are asleep (Dm, G)

She left a note that said, “I’m sorry.
Please give Pete my final pay.”
By the time we found her body
Tejas had slipped away

I knew a girl. Her name was Tejas
Shrimping south of Texas City
In her eyes I could see chaos
In her voice I heard confetti

(C) 2020 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

The story our song that night (Songwriter night, Tuesday, at The Post) was about railroads and a girl from San Antone. I had the Tejas/Chaos rhyme and when I rhymed "confetti" with Texas City, I had the local. Once I saw her on that shrimp boat it wrote itself.

Guest said

Classic! — Wade Jackson

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Love the piano. Love the brevity, and the words themselves. Love "voice like confetti"! I get more about her story from the music itself. The words set it up beautifully. But the music, the back up, the energy had me seeing those waves, and sensing the sleeping fish beneath! Love the "tip" of another story, her buying l ip gloss in NYC. Love that that is all that you gave. Seen by Gwyn at 12:20 PM Gwyn Henry

Guest said

I've always said, The best compliment I can give a poet or a songwriter is... "Damn, I wish I had written that!" Damn, ol' son... I had forgotten what a great gut punch of a song this one is. I wish I had written it! But then again, if I had written it, then not only would no one else have had the chance to hear and appreciate how damn good it really is... but I too would never have had the pleasure myself. Old friend, you are one hell of an artist.

Guest said

Damn, Jimmy! I am not sure what to make of this song! I really... REALLY... like this song very much! The story makes me feel "sad" ...and yet I find this song quite... ??? ..."pleasing" ??? WELL, It doesn't matter! EVEN IF I do not understand why... the fact remains... I LIKE THIS SONG! And I agree with what Jeff wrote below in COMMENTS... AND I REALLY agree with Violet!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

The lyrics are so descriptive and visual, such as the lipstick from NYC. Did you read about a suicide or make up the song from scratch? Jeff P

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

"Your songs are so heartbreaking sometimes. I love it. Don't change a thing." Violet
