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Save Me

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When I wrote this, I immediately decided that it was the best thing I’d ever done. I wasn’t able to pull it off as well as I’d hoped, sorry.

There isn’t room in here for all of us
in your heart you know that something has to go

but the future is unknowable
Possibilities for us you never know

So make another pile high
almost blotting out the sky

Save me, save me
Keep me for another day

Save me, save me
Don’t just throw me away

‘Cause you’ll need me
Some other sunny day

It is an error in psychology
The ancient fear that a famine could be near

so our minds do extrapolate
paranoid that everything will disappear

Driving us to keep it all
Make a pile in the hall

Save me, save me
Keep me for another day

Save me, save me
Don’t just throw me away

‘Cause you’ll need me
Some other sunny day

Friends arrive to unburden us
Offering to help remove unwanted things

Asking us to prioritize
Everybody knowing what tomorrow brings

There isn’t any way to know
Or choosing anything to go

Save me, save me
Keep me for another day

Save me, save me
Don’t just throw me away

‘Cause you’ll need me
Some other sunny day
