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The Ballad of Despair and Redemption with a MicroBR, a Shotglass and a Shotgun

Dave Berry

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A folky ballad about the trials and tribulations that happen during home recording, in this particular case using a Boss microBR.

Let me tell you all a story, most of it is true,
a strange and twisted tale, a ballad and a lesson from me to you.
You see I’ve been doing some home recording, I bought me a microBR
How hard can it be I reckoned, I’m going to cut me a record, going to be a big star.
So I plugged in my Stratocaster, hit record I’m doing real fine,
I’m filling up V-track after V-track, I feel like Johnny Cash after he’s walked the line.
One more drink and I’m ready to bounce, I’m auto-punching like Muhammad Ali,
I Dont need the manual, I throw it under the couch,
and thats when it all starts getting hazy.

I auto-punched away my best lick, my stereo pair got out of sync,
As I was singing the verse, my dog came in the room,
took one sniff and howled at the moon.
I don’t know how I can recover, I got “disk busy” and “card read” error,
I got to get my shotglass and drain it, so I can shake this disk full terror.
I don’t know what else could go wrong, then I accidently erased my song.
it’s time to get so drunk I can’t stand up, I think you know where this is gonna end up.
I get ready to start again, plug in the micro and hit the power,
And thats when I heard that ugly popping sound,
I used the wrong adaptor and fried er.


So I went down to the store, I laid down my money for another,
this time its going to be different, you’ll see, I learned my lesson and I’m sticking to tea.
Now I’m backing up regularly, I let the micro rest while I make the tea,
I put the dog out back with the kids, and if they get too noisy I can go to the shed.
Now I’m getting to the point in my song, I want everybody to sing along,
I’ll just hook up my Harmony-G,
it’s going to be so sweet it’s going to make grown men weep.
It’s now time for my big solo, It could be harp, or maybe guitar,
Or I might even break out my kaosillator, it’s easy to play when you have a BR.

KAOSILLATOR SOLO (Featuring my 7 year old son on the freak-out middle section)

And now my song is almost done, A ballad of a microBR, a shotglass and a shotgun,
It’s going to be a big hit, I can feel it, I only hope someday somebody doesn’t steal it.

Guest said

Very cool!!

Guest said

p.s. send this to Dr. Demento!

Guest said

That Micro BR does pretty damn good recordings! Double the time signature and crank it up!

Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

ahahahah! excellent!

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

im living this song at the momment! great track.. reminds me of what i like about shel silverstein/dr. hook. Also shades of Nilsson when he was feeling jovial.. I love that stuff! Loving the crazy middle section too.. Thanks for the comments by the way.. much appreciated!

Guest said

haha really enjoyed this.

Guest said

This is sounding awesome! The acoustic sounds really good! Nice track man! This is friggin great!!!

drakonis's avatar
drakonis said

Bwahaha... sweet silliness. I enjoyed the poke-fun-at-thyself style humor, and a catchy song to boot. Thanks for listening to my stuff too (just wait until you stumble upon my "Grapefruit Song", speaking of offbeat humor.) ttfn, Drakonis.

Guest said

Great tune well done.

Guest said

man,this is great! I haven't listened to anything like it in years! I wish you all the best, you must have spent ages of inspiration and hard workin' to get to this, so keep on!

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

So much cool stuff...great work!

Guest said

I like this.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great fun! Love the kaosillator solo!

Guest said

Very enjoyable track fella.

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