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Playlist cover

Cave Street's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Cave Street


Pinch Me

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I wrote this song for my brother, who’d recently had surgery. Yes, I know it’s long. I cut something close to three minutes out of it…FWIW it’s supposed to butt right up against the next track “Oldie Bear” but you can’t really do that in an mp3 player. It doesn’t work perfectly anyway.


Pinch me
Where I don’t want it
Wish I could go my whole life not thinking of

Sink me
When I don’t want it
When everybody else is having fun

Time always comes when we face the demon
Only to find that he cannot take us down

Fighting our fears with the force of reason
Putting our trust in everyone everyone

Of better seasons
Times when everyone all ran out to play

Into nostalgia
Rosiest glow is upon the olden days

No way of knowing about the future
Only one way of looking for that day

Nothing is needed but a suture
And we can go on go on go on

That aint all of me…

Pinch me
although I don’t want it
Go on and do everything you need

Make me
Purely created
One of the finest creatures in all the world

It doesn’t matter how anything happened
Even an accident can help us to find a way

It doesn’t matter what we leave behind
Even in front it’s only in your mind

That aint all of me

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Dave, I think this is one of your best songs & best vocals, love the effect on the guitar break too.
