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I was recording some warmup stuff. A bird landed outside and contributed a counterpoint of his own.

Guest said

nice stuff, beautiful,

Guest said

The dear little bird liked it too I hear. Nice bit of warm up.

Guest said

I have a couple of doves and three pigeons who regularly roost in the tree opposite my window...I must point a mic in their direction ! Super guitar work btw ,the dickbods (dicky birds) seemed to be very appreciative and co-operative

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Nice playing! Really nice playing!

Guest said

Great Vocal

Guest said

Wow, Thats cool, never do that again cuz the bird fell in love. Now he's singing the blues. Elwood

Guest said

cool tune and tones.

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

rarely is a guitar player so blessed as to have to song bird grace him with a sing along.
