171 tracks by Wrinkled Shirt

Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Had all morning off to mess with the sound quality and bring it up a few more notches. A bit of a long track but it packs lots of changes and transitions.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Still on the fence whether he's coming or not. My money being spent on dumb bets lol
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Morning rush, Afternoon nap, evening crapped.. Rise and Repeat
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Running backwards, walking on a loop. Time is a flat circle of mazes.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Very Pink Floyd-ish...not on purpose but happy it sent the mood that way down the ropes.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Ambient/Soundscape/Drone.....been messing around with my guitar-amp and some added sounds. Hope you enjoy.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
They keep saying don't cross that line but the madness is real. How many times did you slip on you own shoe laces?
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Start to finish what's the common middle?
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Haven't done a lengthy experimental track in quite a while. In light of Halloween and the times we're living in i thought the page needed a solid turn.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
The Story of Exodus from Egypt right down to the Red-Sea where the Hebrews crossed into the mount of Sinai.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Skyfall aviation on demand part 4
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Jumping letters are so distracting. Rashi can't take the feedback:)
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Made a few edgecore changes to the track. Added some Psychedelic vocals and changes towards the end. Also changed the sound level mastering base.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
A story about an interesting Character i recently met. True Story.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
I've been busy lately playing The Last Of Us 2 and the similarities between what's going on in reality and the game are on point. We're not far off the cliff. I imagine every man for himself and Evil is resurrected in plain view but believing…
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Just like melted Butter but more pristine.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Excuse the weird title. After completion of the track i had a really weird dream and this is my interpretation of it. Min 4:00 and on is a calming landing into peacefulness and mindfulness.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Instead of chlorine dioxide treatment try sanding you tongue with full grit sand paper. "Fight Club" effect. Wanted to keep this as dirty as possible. Keep safe from the 2nd wave.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
I kept this track simple didn't add a lot of effects, just kept it going with 4 phase changes. I might take it down soon to work on it some more.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
I have so many mixed feelings and thoughts about everything. Expression transcends through music and creativity. Dark Cellar session.