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Mr Sandbags

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Just messing around with voices and Yottskry. Here I am using it in Live and feeding 3 different vocal clips at a time. It’s pretty slow getting going but I think it rewards (for some value of ‘reward’) listening all the way through.

I was going to add a more musical element afterwards but I found it quite interesting to listen to and decided that might spoil the effect. Or maybe I’ll do that tomorrow and upload another version.

There’s no added effects here beyond what Yottskry does itself (largely a chorus, shelving EQ, and bucket-brigade style delay).

Yottskry is a multi-stream granular mangulator for Reaktor that I will probably release in a few weeks.

quill's avatar
quill said

Beautiful. I love the sense of texture, and what sit in my ear as illusions of different physical spaces, of varying shape and size - wonderful.

eshar's avatar
eshar said

This track is kind of Floydish and kind of Kraftwerkish...and very cool. Thanks for checking out my recent track :)

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great sounds mate very cool.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool effects!

mmi's avatar
mmi said

I just finished reading Citizen Vince by Jess Walter and at one point in it the protagonist meditates a little on hearing people speak without listening... nevermind, my brain is just connecting this track with the musings of that character.

dAb's avatar
dAb said

Hey, this is really cool. I'm transported into the ventilation ducts of an alien spaceship listening to the extra-terrestrials gently talking to each other. **added to favourites**

Guest said

Very cool! Amazingly melodic!

Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Ha! Splendid vocal blurblation. I think I even recognize myself beginning around 1 minute-ish. :D

Guest said

Sweet!! Its like the mind of a cylon! Yeah I know Im a nerd!!

Guest said

very cool Matt.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Leading edge FX man. At first it was sort of any way the wind blows, then at 2 minutes I had to close my door because it got spooky in here. I'd like to hear it with other Sandbags type sounds.

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