754 tracks by Robert James

Robert James's avatar
The sixth song taken from the 2016 RPM Challenge to be re-recorded in The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project. I swear that makes sense. Just trust me. I have been saying that this round of Quarantine Tunes (the sixth and final round) is scraping…
Robert James's avatar
This was by far my favorite song from the 2021 RPM Challenge, but I was really disappointed with the recording. I thought the rhythm guitars sounded like crap and the vocals were terrible. This version sort of fixes the rhythm guitars but…
Robert James's avatar
The Quarantine Tunes thing is definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel. I am supposed to be pulling songs from old recording projects and updating and (theoretically) improving them. After five rounds there isn't a whole lot left to use…
Robert James's avatar
Meh. Originally written for the 2010 RPM Challenged and finished about a year and a half later. It was called Dogfight and the lyrics were about... Top Gun, or Hot Shots, or some air combat shit. I can remember sitting at my desk in the cellar…
Robert James's avatar
The final RPM Challenge, Record Every Month Challenge thing is done. March through January, with the actual RPM happening in February. Success, even though I forgot to actually submit a bunch of them. For the second time I seem to have written…
Robert James's avatar
This song has been recorded twice so far. The original was part of the failed RPM Challenge in... 2011? It might have been 2010 but I'm 90% sure it was 2011. I redid it again a few years later when I was wrapping my brain around GarageBand…
Robert James's avatar
Quarantine Tunes Volume 6 will have the only two songs worth listening to (barely) from my botched 2009 RPM Challenge, and the only two songs worth listening to (barely) from my botched 2011 RPM Challenge. This is the first of the two 2011's…
Robert James's avatar
The unsuccessful RPM Challenge in 2009 had two songs that weren't disgustingly bad. I uploaded a version of one the other day. This is the other. Nothing really noteworthy here. I had a new harmony on the first chorus that I during the mix…
Robert James's avatar
The last song for volume five of the re-recorded Quarantine Tunes thing. I thought this had too much sauce on it when I mixed it the first time around and here I am loading up even more soup on the second go-round. I thought this was lacking…
Robert James's avatar
It's getting silly now. I haven't finished Quarantine Tunes Volume 5 (actually, volume 50/90) and here I am uploading the first song for Volume 6. What a moron! I am scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as the quality of songs to be re…
Robert James's avatar
A straight ahead rock song in 5/4 time. I think this is an improvement over the first version, but not by a whole lot. I think it rocks a little harder, which was my main beef the first time around. It's fun to play, and it's not terrible to…
Robert James's avatar
Another song from this year's 50/90 given a second look. I don't know what to think about it. I haven't played it back to back with the first version, but except for preferring this one's slightly faster tempo I am not sure if it is better or…
Robert James's avatar
My Record Every Month song for December. I don't hate this, which is lucky because it's the only new song I've worked on this month. There are some bad edits and some sloppy playing. The vocals are pretty lack luster. The bass might be a…
Robert James's avatar
I can't tell if this song is good or if I just like it because it's fun to jam over the ending. This was one of my 50/90 gimmicks. I was planning on a bunch of songs with lyrics where each verse/chorus was a haiku. In the end I only did…
Robert James's avatar
My fear for this song is that it's more fun to play than it is to listen to. I'm not sure about this mix. I feel like I am getting way too cute here. I also wonder if what I really like about this song is the verse and everything else doesn…
Robert James's avatar
My gut is telling me that when I listen to this version of this song back to back with the one I did this summer I am going to prefer this one. That's kind of the goal for these re-recording projects I'm forcing on myself. Just make things a…
Robert James's avatar
I think this was the first song I worked on in the 2021 50/90 (one of the first ones at least) and it still might be my favorite. This is pretty comparable to the first recording from a few months ago. I think the vocals are probably worse here…
Robert James's avatar
I think this one may have lost something in the re-recording process. The mix feels sloppy and the performance seems... well... sloppy. I am going to need to listen to this and the first recording from over the summer back to back before I am…
Robert James's avatar
We are ending the 2021 National Solo Album Month on a high note, as I actually kinda like this one. It started out as a little arpeggio picking warm up I was doing one day and it turned into a song. I don't think I have the dynamics quite right…
Robert James's avatar
This is me goofing around. I was watching gear demos on YouTube and one post had a guy jamming over a bass/drum loop and I thought, I can do that! It's two guitar tracks one on the left and one on the right and they just take turns noodling…