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Robert James

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I came dangerously close to calling this ABACAB, and also to having the song form be ABACAB. Bullet dodged? I was noodling out the bass line and drum parts on my iPad and I had three sections. I couldn’t decide which one had the better hook potential so I just left them in order and then repeated them. ABCABC. That was pretty short and didn’t really make any sense so while thinking of what to do next I almost went with ABACAB. Instead it ended up more like ABCABCAAA.

The guitars are all Gibson Les Paul into a Fender Bassbreaker 15 amp. The rhythm only used a RYRA The Klone overdrive pedal. The lead had a Klon KTR, a Fulltone OCD, a cheap little delay whose name I forget, and a TC Hall of Fame mini reverb.

And I see you
where you should be
color me blue
Show me how to get through

I could tell you something
you don’t know
you could possibly bring
the get go

I see you
you see me
we’re together now
I know who
we each need
we’re together now

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Dig this one too. First listen I was distracted by some work stuff... then a delivery... life, eh? Came back and hit play again and it's like old friend.

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