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 ShamPain's avatar
I was sitting watching TV and having a strum. decided to plug in my little zoom hand held and this is what I got. Just as it came live with just a tad of delay added
Endicott Road's avatar
Another older song, this is my attempt to sound like one of my all-time favorites, Robin Trower. While he never used horns in his songs, I like them (being a former sax player), so I used them in this song to enhance the sound. Let me know what…
mmi's avatar
A little study using Dmin6 and Dmin7 with a little D dorian dressing. The cover art in the mp3 is by thomwisdom:
mmi's avatar
A weird experiment in polyrhythm. I think it could still use work but I've lost perspective...
ieatpants's avatar
sometimes i confuse my girlfriends with my mother. oedipal, for sure.
ieatpants's avatar
just a song about hanging out without pants... oh and drinkin
mmi's avatar
A 30 minute track (creation time). Went for dinner with friends that were having trouble getting along. They were in my thoughts whilst I put this together.
Yards of Silk's avatar
recorded using garageband. from the album "green tea"
These Metal Days's avatar
Standing on a shore and gazing towards the open sea. Someone has left or dead or drowned maybe. The still sea seems darker than before or is it my mind...
Dusthill's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
We're deep in the glitch mines again. This time with a beat developed in Stylus RMX, a "melody" using Soniccouture Skiddaw stones and Tonehammer Frendo, and a bass from Soniccouture Abstrakt Bass. The beat was fed through The Finger with…
neonknights77's avatar
Black Sabbath cover. Everything here is played by me. The dual solos are kinda sloppy, but I'm too lazy to bother recording them again.
jonathan's avatar
Jonathan Thomas opens up Colossians 1:25-2:5 to look at the Completely Complete Call that a leader has.
 ShamPain's avatar
Bit long this but stick with it. Paul is a foreign chap that lives over the road from me in a house that he built with his own hands. He is almost completely deaf and shouts at you when he talks. He is self sufficient and makes most things from…
Leftiness's avatar
Isn't that the lamest, most clichéd title of a piece you've ever heard? Anyway, this one was like an epiphany... I was messing with a different piece, stopped, and wrote this in like half an hour. It's only about 40 seconds, which is way shorter…
Peter G. Brown's avatar
Sampled Music remixed from "Misty" by Henry Mancini Logic Pro 9 & found cassette tape 2009
melvo1234's avatar
Peter G. Brown's avatar
Just a sketch that I'll come back to. I need to record more of this stuff when I get an idea so this should help. 2009
 ShamPain's avatar
So this bloody flakey thing is still developing and I have started to play with some vocals. I have also made lots of small changes and changed the rhythm of the middle section completely
Golden Nose's avatar
Logic 9 - using samples from "8.5" and "8.8" by Supersilent, as well as some drum sounds from "No One Gives A Hoot About Faux-Ass Nonsense" by Don Caballero