130 tracks by mmi

mmi's avatar
The title comes from the realization that we are applying a ridiculous amount of machinery to make or alter noises that came from a simple source like a vibrating string. This is first experiment using some of the sampling magic learned from…
mmi's avatar
Another track dug out of mothballs... This one probably got stuck under the weight of all the effects... cpu overloads, sound drop outs, the works. Rendering it took a long time but it seems to have come out ok. Someday, if I get a faster…
mmi's avatar
A track that I put on hold for the RPM Challenge. Of course, now I can't really remember where I was going with it... but to have used it in the challenge would have been cheating. What I do remember was that I had just discovered and fallen…
mmi's avatar
Going through the various things I had kicking around before the RPM Challenge and before I upgraded to Live 8, I found this unfinished Live 7 thing... Frenetic fun. Boring technical details: I honestly can't remember much about it which to…
mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
mmi's avatar
Another experiment. Today Eos was released. In trying it out, I found 7 random synth clips in my library (not entirely random but they might as well have been). These are fed for somewhat random durations and order through 4 Eos reverbs in…
mmi's avatar
A late night meditation. Here's the process: Started just auditioning sounds in my Live library. When I do this, I play some random chords or two note intervals; often not looking at my hands or the keyboard. That's the spark. Here I started…
mmi's avatar
Saw an add on TV for something called "Drag Me To Hell". Dunno what it is with horror films, but apparently scary music is on my mind. Thanks for helping exorcise it. The guitar part, btw, is e-bow plus slide so any tonality is an accident.
mmi's avatar
Sometimes magic happens. Sometimes it even happens to me. Open D tuning (low to high D A D G A D). Just a practice session where I had the guts to press record. No drugs. Just beer with dinner. Maybe they put something in the creme brule…
mmi's avatar
An experiment that became a meditation. Two tracks. One guitar, one looper, one e-bow, two tracks and a touch of Live's Overdrive effect on the second e-bow track. The starting premise was could I get the sound of many guitars by continually…
mmi's avatar
Took sandbags' [Rytme Shifter 1](http://alonetone.com/sandbags/tracks/rytme-shifter-1) and added my special brand of guitar incompetence. I bought myself an E-Bow this week and this track was just perfect for playing around. After a day of wankery…
mmi's avatar
Had a guitar lesson today. Jammed on some chords. The chords happen to be the same as (or similar to) those in Jimi Hendrix's Hey Joe. We just chose them randomly as a basis for experimentation with different voicings. Anyway, got home and…
mmi's avatar
A dark ambient thing that came from exploring the new goodies in Live 8. [Full details](http://mmi-music.blogspot.com/2009/04/confessions-of-eno-imitator.html)
mmi's avatar
Another song in the key of Glu. I know I called the theme was [glubot for a day](http://alonetone.com/forums/togethertone/topics/glubot-for-a-day). Maybe glubot for a week?
mmi's avatar
Just a beat. 32 bars at 87bpm. Download, remix, slice, dice, do what you do. I know I will. See the [TogetherTone forum](http://alonetone.com/forums/togethertone/topics/glubot-for-a-day) for more info.
mmi's avatar
More noodling: sudara's track "Winter Will Pass" -> glu's added beats in "Sudara's Track Glubotized" -> my guitar. I recorded a single guitar part. I then resampled that twice through Kombinat and BS2; because of the random nature these…
mmi's avatar
Just under the wire (it's Feb 28, 23:47 in my timezone)... last track for RPM09
mmi's avatar
My omage to Mr. Reznor :-)
mmi's avatar
Major noodles. Notes to self: Sonically, this is challenged. Try feeding the midi to a completely different synth patches.
mmi's avatar
More of my crappy guitar playing :-)