27 tracks by Gilbert Neilson

Gilbert Neilson's avatar
1st of 10 "Off the cuff" songs I wrote just before the great flood. I haven't really had a chance to work on any but this one. This is different than the rest of them. All I did was turn on a drum machine and played and sang what ever popped into…
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
This Song (Recorded and written in 06) done the conventional way. I Wrote the words 1st. I was thinking I would like to write a song kinda like those of the old days. Pretty straight forward and Not too abstract. I need to redo because the chorus…
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Started as an "Off the cuff" song that only changed a little from the original.
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
An older (very old indeed) song that tells the story about that old Reaper that likes to come around.
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
No.2 of 10 "Off the cuff" songs written in June. A song about someone the singer knows is nearby and is the right one but has yet to be found.
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
I do not know anyone named Lilly Child. I just thought the name sounded good. This is third of 10 "Off the cuff" songs written last June. I have only recorded 4 of the 10
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
White Light was written in June along with 10 other "Off the cuff" tunes. Just before the great flood in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Our house was flooded and slowly being rebuilt. This is 4th of the 10 to be recorded.