Screaming Distance's listening history

Screaming Distance's avatar
This song is from the concept album "The Tower of Rust" that we have yet to release. It is the villain (Ahriman) of our story introducing himself to the audience...and attempting to paint himself as a reluctant hero.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Well, song 10 finally. A bit on the heavy side, some odd FX, strange vox, an Ibanez, The ever present harmonica, and some help from Illegal Alien Autopsy. This was the first song I tracked for RPM. But, since my pen has run out of ink this month…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune that's been on the back burner for a bit. I was looking to get a dark Ultravox kind of sound. Anyone feel like puttin' on their Midge Ure hat??? Anyway, these aren't the droids your looking for. Move along..............Move along.
kirklynch's avatar
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
Screaming Distance's avatar
This is an acoustic song from the upcoming all acoustic album "Let's All Get Naked" written, recorded and performed by Jeff Crowder(me) from the band Screaming Distance. I hope you like it.
Screaming Distance's avatar
We are the wounded...all of us. The ones who watch. The ones who bare the scars. And those who make the scars. Humanity itself is The Wounded as we watch ourselves kill each other on the evening news, or turn our heads to see the accident victims…
Screaming Distance's avatar
We are the wounded...all of us. The ones who watch. The ones who bare the scars. And those who make the scars. Humanity itself is The Wounded as we watch ourselves kill each other on the evening news, or turn our heads to see the accident victims…
Screaming Distance's avatar
This is an acoustic song from the upcoming all acoustic album "Let's All Get Naked" written, recorded and performed by Jeff Crowder(me) from the band Screaming Distance. I hope you like it.
Screaming Distance's avatar
This is an acoustic song from the upcoming all acoustic album "Let's All Get Naked" written, recorded and performed by Jeff Crowder(me) from the band Screaming Distance. I hope you like it.