Gumbo's listening history

dmc1's avatar
This was a favourite tune of Chief O'Neill (you don't say!) an Irish police captain in the USA who used to enlist Irish musicians into the police force so they could play music sessions together.
dressing the debutantes's avatar
all good girls, they'll fade away when you ride the blind
dressing the debutantes's avatar
gonna build me a big ol mansion on a mountain so high so i can see my baby if she goes passin' by
dressing the debutantes's avatar
this song was written in about 10 minutes while taking a break from recording. so we decided to included it on the album. you can call me lazarus, but don't ask me twice.
Orphans's avatar
T Boudreau - Lyrics / Music Bonehead - Guitar, Vocals Thunder Chris - Drums, B Vocs Tim Hochadel - Bass, B Vocals John Young - Keys Eddie Davis - Lead guitar
justmerritt's avatar
i'm not sure if i like this song. it has a ruff sort of flow and recording. i was thinking of adding some mellow synth backing to help it sound full but i don't want to start that now, so i wont.
kavin.'s avatar
for the 2009 RPM Challenge album "Sabbatical" Standing at the edge of Canyon de Chelly in Arizona at sunrise last summer I had an out of body experience.
kavin.'s avatar
for the 2009 RPM Challenge album "Sabbatical"
The Red Cow Society's avatar
moschell's avatar
Because the story needed an ending.