Graduate's listening history

Graduate's avatar
The scene setter. This was the first track on the album and I've still got mixed feelings about it. Audibly, I like it. Cohesively, it doesn't REALLY fit in... My girlfriend told me "like it needs to represent the rest of the album. It grabs your…
uglifruit's avatar
07 – What’s ‘Round Here? (A Mystery). Written and recorded 22nd Feb. A mystery. Info and lyrics at
uglifruit's avatar
04 – Machiavellian Ways. Written 5th Feb. Recorded 5th/9th Feb. Mark Morriss has written some really witty triple rhymes in a slightly country fashion, and I wanted to try it too. Although I am not sure if I succeeded, I had fun - and got…
Graduate's avatar
One of my darker tracks. This tracks epitomises how RPM felt for me; A progressive struggle where I just got my head down and got stuck in with the thing. In a phrase, this track says to me "Just fucking get on with it."
Graduate's avatar
The scene setter. This was the first track on the album and I've still got mixed feelings about it. Audibly, I like it. Cohesively, it doesn't REALLY fit in... My girlfriend told me "like it needs to represent the rest of the album. It grabs your…
Graduate's avatar
This track is the introduction to the main bulk of the album. It says "WELCOME TO RPM '09" and doesn't let you go until you've gotten to "Dancing With The Midnight Waves", the penultimate track.
uglifruit's avatar
08 – Feeling Confuzzzed. Written 19th/20th Feb. Recorded 20th Feb. Come on Wembley, let’s see those hands in the air. As poppy as they come, including plenty of la la las to sing along with. I was very pleased with my Harrison-style slide…
Sudara's avatar
After an adventure in re-recording the entire song down a third, we came back to the original, tightened and tuned. Always the self flagellating perfectionist, it still needs a bit more love. Always the pragmatist, it is probably done for now.
drakonis's avatar
Imagine a Mexican quintette playing a fast waltz. There are 3 melodies played in 3/4 time, in a sort of non-standard ABCABC format. The title is a photographic/geographic/melodic play on words. There is a merging of European waltz and Mexican…
Graduate's avatar
There are too many amazing quotes from this film to not sample them SOMEWHERE in my album. Time after time, the 'yo-yo master' line got me laughing, so I thought I'd pay homage to it.