glu's listening history

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I wanted to make a track for halloween but technology problems and time have conspired that I didn't get very far. However I'm uploading the first couple of minutes of what I have. Have a spooky night!
Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
Sudara's avatar
Poured myself a small cup of acoustic guitar, half finger picking, half ebow. Nothing fancy, nothing magical, nothing fantastical, just something to relax through.
Sudara's avatar
Also known as Cooking With Condiments! A snack. Nothing much of substance in the cupboards or fridge, but doesn't mean you should go without eating.
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
Sam was a very articulate and kind friend; he spend way too much of his life in a wheel chair and yet demonstrated a lot of grace. We lost him just over a year ago. Among many other unexpected, Christ-like kindnesses, he realized at one point…
mmi's avatar
Three hours. No plan. Halloween. Thirteen tracks. Dark but not dark. Toys used: Synths: FM8, Massive, Absynth Guitar: GT-10, Timeless 2, Volcano 2, Eos, BigSeq2
Geoffrey Armes's avatar
During a folky phase, November 1st 2000. Tascam 8 track.
Lalo Oceja's avatar
improvising on a theme
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I wanted to make a track for halloween but technology problems and time have conspired that I didn't get very far. However I'm uploading the first couple of minutes of what I have. Have a spooky night!