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Ed Price - Compass - 432Hz


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Finally, after several years of having lyrics for a song about and for my daughter, I am starting to write it… this is the first draft. singing over most of this at some point.
Music & Lyrics by Ed Price Copyright 2021


Since the day of your birth
Distant memories of the time spent
Sharing your happiness
As you grow from child to luminary

My role - to protect…and enlighten
As you share your joy with everyone

Not a day that does pass,
Not a minute that ticks by
that can harness
the energy of you that
flows through me.

It reminds me of this link
Of love that I have with you.
A part of me that I promise
not to yield even to my own mortality

If I ever disappear and can’t
Come when you call for me it’s
Because I am gone…
Passed on from your worldly home

If I ever disappear and can’t
Come when you call for me it’s
Because I am gone…

As my oath, I will
Encompass you with love

To not only love me as a father, but
As a shelter and safe place to go when
You are scared or in need of peace.

I will be there…
When you need that lift
To feel alive
Or a shoulder on which to cry
or something once tangible to get you by.

I want to be there
When you grow and move on
When you struggle and need solidity
When you question the world or
Need a canvass in which to
Paint your feelings.

If I ever Disappear and can’t
Come when you call for me it’s
Because I have gone…
Passed on from your worldly home

If I ever Disappear and can’t
Come when you call for me it’s
Because I have gone…

As my oath, I will
Encompass you with love

Even in death I will remain your compass
And guide you to where you want to be.
As my Oath, I will love you

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