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Malignant Inception - After Subsist DRAFT

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A new Idea for Malignant Inception Song… again, nothing in stone rough draft - Added Bass and Keyboards! Added some panning and volume tweaks on 5/18

Added new BASS EQ and enhancement on 6-7
Added D Standard recording tracks to most parts on 6-9

One 6 string tuned to D Standard(432Hz), and the other guitar is a 7-string tuned to Eb Standard(432Hz).

Music & Lyrics by Ed Price as Malignant Inception Copyright 2021

After Subsist

Imagine a state of feigned apperception
To believe there is nothing more than is there
To find another existence thought to be superior
And discover the very things that bear its divinity
Is also its greatest flaw…

Solidity, emotion, and pain followed by
Sorrow, sickness and nefarious evils
Left to wonder why this exists and what is after
Where did it all come from? What lies before…

A vastness of infinity…
Such greatness; bleeding energy inherent…
The existence of everything…
A sea of the unimagined…

Travels amidst the tapestry of stars…
Energy and life woven as one…
A blanket of what is now and what was before…
And a premonition of what will be…

From dust we are spawned
Creation from nothing; embodiment of all
Unimaginable sensations and mortal sentience
The mystery and desire to be more than omniety
…Still trapped within the Cold, Dark, Black….

Universal conscience, intangible to life
Yet exists abundantly throughout
This sea of blackness and place of origin
The hotspot of what is and will be…

Pre-life knowledge suppressed by life
Never erased or destroyed only preserved till death
When one returns to the body of energy
In which it was derived

All will return home one day
To be one with the stars again
To travel among creation and time
From the beginning and to the end
To roam free… Awake at last!

emperor75's avatar
emperor75 said

There is Bass now...

Guest said

What bass?

Guest said

Needs more cowbell...

Guest said

Bad ass
