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Scattered Assembly

Synaptic Disturbance

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Written and recorded for the “Dictionary Challenge” on the RPM Challenge forums–take a word or phrase randomly chosen from the dictionary (mine was “piece work”) and write a song (arguably) inspired by said word or phrase.

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

neat track! love the tempo changes, nice acoustic.

Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Synaptic Disturbance said

@guest (whoever you were): I'm flattered by a King Crimson comparison!

Guest said

This is lovely on so many levels! Love the acoustic guitar especially. Looking forward to your RPM CD.

Guest said

Reminds me of King Crimson. Cool stuff

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Love the contrast between the heavy beginning and the acoustic part ( which is really beautiful)!

Guest said

Well done. beautiful acoustic guitar solo.

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