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Greg Connor's Favorites

by Greg Connor


Who Knew

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Ok, before I go any further, I need to thank Alonetoner Greg Connor. He proposed a song-writing challenge around the theme of “Who Knew” in early/mid December. Many musicians here in the Alonetone community wrote some amazing songs around this title/theme (maybe you were one of them!) I happened to see this, and decided on a lark to try it. I sat down, grabbed my Telecaster, closed my eyes, started plucking randomly and singing “who knew?”. The riff fell out of my fingers, which supports my theory that I am not writing this stuff, I am merely a conduit for Someone else. Anyway, I was surprised at how quickly the gtr parts came, and liked them so much that I decided to fight the urge to finish and record it. So I quickly recorded the riff on my little dictation machine and sat on it until Feb 1. Thank you, Greg for firing up the imagination and inspiring this song. The lyrics were made up on the spot in February, first take, no re-dos, no nothing. What you hear is first pass, first time with no preparation. The only work I needed to do was to fit the record’s continuing musical theme into the mid section, but that wasn’t hard. It fit naturally. The song’s theme is pretty clean and suits the record: Everyone has a chance, even (insert your name here) can be redeemed. Who knew?

Matt Ferrara's avatar
Matt Ferrara said


Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Love when the band kicks in. How have I not favorited this before?

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh and this follows on perfectly.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Oh Yeah! Very Rich! Nice going Gary!
