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Colin Garvey

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I didn’t do much to this one after all. I put a little harmony in and left it at that. Sometimes less is more, and I hope that’s the case here…

Guest said

CHANGE - WOW Colin, terrific matey. Great work on ALL of this stuff - original and well put together!!! Iain Westgate

Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Synaptic Disturbance said

Digging this one, great groove and vocals... and the production values on your tracks are top-notch!

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Very nice, sir. And I agree. Sometimes I tend to overdo songs too. You were right to do the harmonies and leave it pretty much as it is. Excellent song. ER

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Nice blend of accoustic and electric on this song. The guitar solo near the end sounds like the player is just about to lose control. I liked it. Very good song. ER

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

This is fine and dandy as is. Perhaps it should sound a bit empty.

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

really like this one colin.. s'got a big wad of potential id say and i second kirks comment on the guitar work. could there be some backing vox sort of responding to the main lyrics in the second verse and maybe chorus? oh and id put glockenspiel chords all through it too - in answer to your request for suggestions! Good luck with the rest mucker

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great song man! Smokin' guitar work!

launched's avatar
launched said

Wonderful contrast to this one. When the overdrive came in it was a nice surprise. Great vox - I like it dry the way it is, but that's just my opinion. Love it.

Guest said

add reverb and tad of delay to vocal to fill up.

Guest said

Very well done , great vocal.

Guest said

Change nothing - lovely lovely lovely!

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