Cave Street's listening history

Gary Fox's avatar
This is a track of serendipity (is that how you spell that?) I was hours from deadline, lots of mixing left to do, and this track was FAR from done. I love the congas in this one. In general, this is a fun one for me. For once I actually don't…
Gary Fox's avatar
Eerie, mournful, beautiful, but so, so lonely. These are the words of a friend listening to it. When you make a conscious choice as to who you should be, what you were meant to be, what you have failed to be, until now... This one is meant…
Oblique St.'s avatar
A totally sheltered and unable to cope middle-class white kid screws up really badly and is on the run. I don't think he'll make it. Do you?
Oblique St.'s avatar
from the RPM 2009 album, "Spilt Hony" This was an experiment to write a song using one sentence. I ended up with 3 small ones.
Oblique St.'s avatar
I was just imagining a morning at the Waits household.
Circuit Tree's avatar
that is not a sample you hear in the background, it is the dryer going. leave it in? okay, sure i'll leave it in. it's these artistic decisions we're all forced to make.
Circuit Tree's avatar
didn't know what to call this track, but once i came up with a title, it wrote itself! i heard on npr about how all this junk of ours is making outerspace around Earth a very dangerous place to be. this track is trying to reflect that danger.
Freddie Freelance's avatar
"Slow Build Gamelan" is based on three Indonesian Gongs from 24615__anamorphosis__GMB_Jegog_1.wav, 24613__anamorphosis__GMB_Gong_Lanang.wav & 24612__anamorphosis__GMB_Gong_Kempur.wav. I took the three recordings & strung…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
"Thick Strings Play for the Fuzzy Water," has big Swelling strings playing with, over & around what sounds like bubbling water with occasional wobbling rhythmic tones, based on several samples: 17090__jppi_Stu__bamboo_wind_chimes_1…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
The track is based on an actual 911 call a hacker made to police in Colorado Springs to "punish" the father of a girl who had spurned his advances. I played the call against a short distorted heartbeat-like rhythm run through a Mutron and several…