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Rehearsing What To Say When You Finally Get Home

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After a bit of encouragement from myself, our Nadaband bandmate, and probably a few others, the Halls of Justice broke down and got a Zoom R16 recording device last year and have started dipping their drumsticks into the wild, woolly world of home recording. (John already had a full set of drum mics, so the really spendy part had been covered for a while!)

Elliott was kind enough to contribute a drum part this time around, and after some finagling with Dropbox, we managed to get the multitrack files uploaded. Elliott was inspired by Deftones when writing the drum part, and his request was to “make the guitar parts heavy, either with a 7 string or drop tuned”. I uploaded a quick render to Dropbox and emailed the group with a request for a better guitarist than I to pick up that particular gauntlet. Matt and his friend Mike did a fine job over at Matt’s place, and I thank them for it! (I did record some dissonant guitar parts on my baritone guitar for about 2/3 of the song and may finish it up as an alternate take in the future, but not quite yet.)

This one was a sequencing challenge, as none of the rest of the album is remotely as heavy, but I hope the title does an acceptable job of bridging the story/conceptual gap between “Silence Is Sound” and “One More Day”.

Elliott Justice - Arrangement, drums, recording
Matt Appleberry - Guitar, recording
Mike Giffin - Bass
Kevin Craig - Mixing
