184 tracks by igor

igor's avatar
…he understood that more nothing is necessary; it already here, now // peace of mind, confidence and clear vision of the purpose of existence // he took a deep breath and swam down the river... /for all the people
igor's avatar
...thru the silent night.
igor's avatar
At the crossroads, with the only loved. Where art thou, mein lieber Augustin? Will we see you again? --- Für Fenella Humphreys, a classical artist.
igor's avatar
Where I slip into the music stream, and away ---
igor's avatar
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction ---
igor's avatar
Loneliness heals Loneliness crushes Loneliness gives strength And takes it back.
igor's avatar
...whether roaring like hungry lions impatient for the arena? I go out into the world, I am tense, I know that the audience, they are mine, is only important. Bull for them, I for them. --- Time to exit, Matador!
igor's avatar
... Tono en armonía?
igor's avatar
Last-n-found from the “Long Farewells” recording session. Recorded live, one-by-one, in one of endless winter evening. --- http://adneonlux.bandcamp.com/album/long-farewells
igor's avatar
Last-n-found from the “Long Farewells” recording session. Recorded live, one-by-one. --- http://adneonlux.bandcamp.com/album/long-farewells
igor's avatar
Sometimes the natural order of things seemed broken, the course of events accelerated to a rapid and you feel that what is happening with you is ...a movie, and you're in, but this is not your, you are here by accident. --- …just another turn…
igor's avatar
You live on street. Act quickly, without any sense, as the wind that blows where he pleases. Chaos? primitive element? ...stirring the cauldron full of cultures and no-cultures…and the real life begins. --- /For Trevor, from far abroad
igor's avatar
This is where the dream of free flight lives. --- 1) Announcement: "Engineer M.S. Los invites willing to fly with him on August 18 on the planet Mars to appear for personal talks from 6 to 8 pm Zhdanovskaya Embankment, 11, in the yard…
igor's avatar
Voice. The voice of one man. Does this mean anything? I mean, one person says to the world, to people, to infinity. Of course, we talk and it always refers to contemporaries, but do they understand it? Whether the person understands them? Do…
igor's avatar
What a treasure these marbles! Colorful, transparent, with or without stripes... Let's play? --- For Bee. Also: Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings, And Phoebus 'gins arise, His steeds to water at those springs On chaliced…
igor's avatar
Pièce pour guitare, en trois parties. ~Journaux de Paris~
igor's avatar
The fates of people like snowflakes: curled, they laugh and fall down.
igor's avatar
For all who are happy right now, or will later, or for ever. --- "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.." William Shakespeare…
igor's avatar
Don't stop, just don't stop, then ...
igor's avatar
...it seemed to me that all was not right, should it be otherwise, would be better, but how? ..and then I woke up.